Friday, February 12, 2010

Laws of Attraction Part Deux

Where to begin?  Gotta know where your coming from before you know where your going right? 
Ok, so this is the girl who gets busy, too busy.  I think I have adult ADHD.  Really, wait, what was I saying?  Perhaps I just require the medication, addies, percs, vics, or whatever else got me here.  Just add up the statistics and there ya have it.  In the mean time, I've been fried like a bad perm, or coloring, ladies.  In a previous post I talked about laws of attraction.  Well, for the entire week that Ive finished classes for now, Ive basically been smoking grass like I'm fucking a landscaper. That is what the hell showed up on my doorstep, or what I attracted.  Right on time, wrong place.  No, really. Three outta four days high before noon?  Score. Still more productive than napping the days away when its time to hibernate.  It just so happens, that for whatever reason, ive bumped into some cool azz people who smoke the fuggeddaboutit. And its been awesome to have the quality time.  It happens.  What you attract tells you all about what you give out.   And really its been a good thing! Now let me just blogg about it.  Cheers. 

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